Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know

Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know

However, for tea consumption, it has been associated with health benefits for centuries, only in recent years its medicinal properties were examined and got scientifically recognized. Tea is well known for its excellent health benefits because its high level of flavonoids - plant-derived antioxidants. Green tea is the best food source of the group called catechins. Following are some of the benefits of drinking green tea.

Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know !

My Medical Tech
Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know

Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know !

Reduces Risk for Cancer

Studies have found low risk for green tea and many cancers such as skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal and bladder. It has been found that this protection is given as a result of the presence of catacin, which is more potent to vitamins C and E to prevent oxidative damage to cells; They also look for other antihypertensive properties.

Fights Heart Diseases

Green tea helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents stroke with heart diseases. Most patients recommend a cup of green tea every day to visit the heart, because the tea prevents cells from dying and accelerates the recovery process of the heart cells. In addition, antioxidant LDL (poor) in green, black, and olong tea can block the oxidation of cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and improve arterial function. In a Chinese study published recently in the archives of internal medicine, compared to non-consumers, there was a constant consumption of oleong or green tea in the reduction of hypertension risk from 46% to 65%.

Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know !

Read also Lose weight fast and safely with green tea

Delays Ageing

Most beauty experts think of the benefits of many young people of green tea. Obviously, green tea contains antioxidants which are known as polyphenols, which fight against free radicals, which means drinking it will help you fight against old age, and the ability to strengthen the skin's ability and strength Promotion will help.

Promotes weight loss

If you have a weight loss plan without any mention of green tea anywhere, then the fat you want will take a lot of time to lose. Green tea burns fat and naturally promotes metabolic rate. In fact, drinking green tea can burn up to 70 calories in just 24 hours. Now, do the math for a year.

Reduces Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis among older people is a common concern. It blocks the cartilage by blocking the cartilage that destroys the enzymes. Regular consumers of green tea will find themselves very strong at the age of 80.

Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know !

Healthy cells

Green tea contains antioxidants called Ketchin that fight against cell damage. Since green tea does not process too much, which retains casin content. You can get good every cup of green tea for your cells.


Another wonderful health benefits that green tea is offering is the level of stable blood glucose. Catechin present in green tea helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, so prevent or delay diabetes.

Healthy brain

Green tea can also be very good for your brain because it is shown to help prevent the formation of plaque associated with Alzheimer's disease. It was also found in the Swiss study that green tea supports more activity in the working memory area of ​​your brain.

Stress Buster or anti anxiety

A cup of green tea makes you feel comfortable. Green tea contains thiamine; An amino acid helps stimulate a calm effect. Whenever you feel tension, then immerse one cup of green tea.


Green tea can be your favorite and effective immune booster. Some studies have shown promising evidence that green tea can promote immune response.

Some tips for taking advantage of drinking green tea

  • ~ Drinking a cup of tea a few times a day, the compounds of antioxidants and other healthy plants are absorbed.
  • ~ Allow tea to steep for three to five minutes to bring out its catechins
  • ~ The best way to get cachines and other flavonoids in tea is to drink fresh brood. For preparations for decafeninated, bottled tea is less than these compounds in preparations and instant beverages.

Therefore, swap your regular tea with green tea and see that it makes a difference to your overall health and welfare.

Benefits of Green Tea you Need to Know !

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10 January 2019 at 11:15 ×

Green tea is really so valuable as it contains the elements which are used to lose weight though I love having black tea with milk as it's our tradition, you know... hahaha.
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Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...