Shocking Facts: Health Effects of Smoking on Women

Shocking Facts: Health Effects of Smoking on Women

Shocking Facts: Health Effects of Smoking on Women !!
Women are getting along with men in every field and even they are crossing anything. 

Shocking Facts: Health Effects of Smoking on Women

Today women have performed better in men in many areas and one of them is consumption of tobacco. According to the study, 12.1 million women are now female smokers in India and this segment is only behind the United States. While an average man smokes 6.1 cigarettes in one day, a woman smokes 7 cigarettes on an average!

Rural women consume tobacco in various forms - Dental paste, bidi, hookah and masheri powder, which they rub in their teeth and mouth, encourage them to work in fields, manage their children and their husbands.

second hand smoking

The second hand smoke is a mixture of side stream and mainstream smoke. Smoke coming from the burning end of a cigarette is known as side stream smoke and smoke by smoker is mainstream smoke.

Second-hand smoke contact is directly affected by the heart and blood vessels of the adult. Adult smokers are non-smokers with smokers, who have a heart attack of around 25% more heart disease. Side stream smoke makes up about 85% of second-hand smoke, in which there are various chemicals extracted from mainstream smoke. It burns at low temperatures, and the burn is not clean or complete. Therefore, smokers may also have the possibility of lung cancer.

Smoking and second hand smoke during pregnancy increases the risk of problems related to health and behavior in newborn babies, including abnormal blood pressure in infants and children, cleft rhythm and lips, leukemia, infant baby, childhood home, respiratory disorder, eye Problems, mental retardation, attention deficit disorder, behavioral problems and other education and development issues in children.

Smoking not only affects the health of smokers but also affects the health of those who are aware of the other hand smoke, such as their children, spouse and other relatives on home and colleagues. Exposures of tobacco smoke on the other hand can cause serious and deadly diseases in adults and children. Research studies have shown that smoking and contact of second-hand smoke among pregnant women is an important reason for abortions and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) after birth. During and after pregnancy, compared to children of smoking mothers, it is likely to be 3 to 4 times higher than infant death syndrome (SIDS) compared to children of child mortality.

This indicates that tobacco has a direct impact on the infant mortality rates. Research has shown that smoking causes infertility as it damages the egg and sperm of a woman. During pregnancy, the consumption of smokeless tobacco is prematurely due to childbirth and prevents children from getting better in the mother's womb.

The third hand smoke

When the tobacco is burnt, then it releases nicotine in the form of vapor. This vapor is connected to surfaces like walls, floors, carpets, curtains and furniture. Children are more sensitive to exposure to third-hand smoke (because they often put their hands in their mouth) because they breathe with tobacco residues, crawl, play, touch, and taste the contaminated surfaces Take it

Therefore, second-hand smoke and third-hand smoke are equally dangerous because they contain more than 7000 chemicals, hundreds of which are harmful and about 70 cancers. This suggests that there is an urgent need to control the consumption of tobacco and should be included in the target population: adolescence girls, pregnant women and elderly women.

According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), there is a huge rate of consumption of tobacco in India. About 275 million or 35% of the population consumes tobacco in one or the other form.

GATS figures related to the use of tobacco among women are:

20.3% of adult women use tobacco products
More than 90% of female tobacco users smoke non-smoking tobacco (these number of users are in the reproductive age group)
The average age at the beginning of the use of tobacco was 17.8 years, in which 25.8% of women started using tobacco before 15 years.
Apart from a cigarette, smoking-free tobacco can also be dangerous for human life. There is a long history of using smokeless tobacco products in India as it is the most influential format in India. It is a form of tobacco that is consumed without burning, it is consumed by chewing. Most people chew tobacco in their mouth or suck (dip) and spit tobacco juice. There are many types of tobacco available in India; The most prominent people are Gutta, Zarda, Khaini, Masheri and Mawa.

Maternal health effects of smoking

  • ~ Unsolicited breastfeeding
  • ~ Abortion
  • ~ premature birth
  • ~ Ectopic pregnancy
  • ~ Pleasant abnormalities
  • ~ bleeding
  • ~ Rupture before the time of the membrane
  • ~ Smoking also affects the embryo adversely that can be dangerous because it can be:
  • ~ Fetal growth retardation
  • ~ Pregnancy age is low
  • ~ Increased fetal heart rate
  • ~ Chronic fetal hypoxia
  • ~ Prenatal death
  • ~ Preterm delivery
  • ~  Low birth weight
  • ~ Fetal artery constriction
  • ~ Lessened amounts of oxygen and nutrients in the fetus

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