Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know

Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know

Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know !!

Amla(Indian gooseberry)  is a natural source of many vitamins and minerals especially for the body. Learn its many benefits for the body.

Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) is widely used for more than 5000 years in India and other parts of the world. It is a wonderful meal that offers many health benefits.

vitamin C

Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C. It creates natural remedies for many common disorders such as cold, cancer and heart disease. High vitamin C content in administration also makes a good choice for fighting scurvy.

Reduces cholesterol

Amla is very effective and natural medicine in reducing bad cholesterol in the blood, which makes it good for the heart. When planning a healthy diet chart, you can count on the staff.

Better digestion

Bitter and sour taste, which is felt on eating food, triggers various receptors and activates digestive enzymes. It creates a wonderful and quick remedy for high fiber content digestive problems in fiber amla. Apart from this, it helps in healthy bowel movement and clears the gastrointestinal tract.

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Amazing health benefits of Amla you should know

Hair care

Amla is very popular in the form of natural hair care treatment in Indian families. There are many hair care products available in the market including staffing findings. Amla is play a role to make hair healthy, thick, long and shiny.

Anti-oxidant power

Many polyphenols in Amla are capable of dispersing oxidizing particles. It acts as a wonderful free radical wizard to protect body cells with the harmful effects of oxidation.

Promotes immunity

Besides many health benefits that can help you fight different diseases, Amla also prepares you for the future. It promotes your immune response and helps you avoid common cold and cough problems.

Healthy Skin

The reason behind skin problems is usually poor liver functioning. Being an excellent antioxidant, regular intake of amla can detoxify the liver effectively. As a result, you get healthy skin which is less prone to skin problems.

diet food

Amla is low on fat and is high on nutritions . It makes an amazing meal for those trying to lose weight. It also helps in increasing metabolism, which reduces the body fat accumulated.

Nutritionally rich

Despite being low on calories, the amla are quite rich in nutritious ingredients. Although it provides only 60 calories per 100 grams, it is a rich source of many vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in carbohydrate and dietary fiber.

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