Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts

Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts

Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts !
Cataract is a very common eye disorder on the eyes of the lens. It can be either in one or both eyes. In such cases where it affects both eyes, the effect is more serious in one eye compared to the other. Cataract begins when the protein creates an inclination in the eye that prevents the lens from sending the retina clear images to the images.

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Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts
Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts !

Sometimes people can not even realize that they have cataracts. Many cataracts are not enough to require any treatment. However, the only effective discourse for cataracts is surgery. Patients may not need surgery that only suffers from mild symptoms of the disorder.

When is Treatment Needed?

Optometrist will recommend treatment for cataract, the extent to which your vision loss is affecting your daily activities. For example, treatment can be recommended if cataracts are affected:

  • ~Your ability to look after yourself or someone else
  • ~Your driving
  • ~Going out
  • ~Seeing people's faces
  • ~Your work
  • ~Reading
  • ~Watching television

Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts !

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Simple Approaches to Treat Cataracts

During the initial stages, strong glasses and bright lights can help to improve vision. If a patient is not ready for surgery yet, then some simple approaches can help maintain cataract. They are:

  • ~Make sure your glasses are of the accurate number
  • ~Use a magnifying glass for reading
  • ~Get brighter lamps for your house such as halogen lights may help a lot
  • ~Wear sunglasses to reduce glare on sunny days
  • ~Try to refrain from driving at night

Surgical treatment for cataract

The above approaches are only temporary solutions. Despite taking treatment, cataracts are developing and gradually reducing your eyesight, ultimately surgery is required.

The specialist will recommend surgery if the patient:

  • ~Is having trouble looking after himself/herself
  • ~Is having difficulties looking after someone else
  • ~Cannot drive, or finds driving difficult
  • ~Has problems leaving the house
  • ~Finds it hard to see or recognize people's faces
  • ~Has problems doing his/her job
  • ~Cannot read properly
  • ~Can no longer watch television properly 

Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts !

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Cataract Surgery

The most common cataract operation is called phacoemulsification, which is sometimes referred to as phaco extracellular extraction. Cataract can not be treated with laser surgery (when energy beam is used). Cataract surgery involves removing cloud lenses in your eyes. This natural eye lens is made by altering with artificial, clear plastic lenses. This process is known as Intraocular Implant or Intraocular Lens (IOL).

Pre operative evaluation

Before the operation, your eyes will be measured to make artificial lenses that will replace your natural eye lens. Your overall health is also evaluated.

Before operation

Just before surgery for you, eyes are spread in your eyes (wide) (the black circle between your eyes). To prevent any pain during the procedure, the surgeon will also give you local anesthesia.

During operation

The eye specialist will make a small incision in the cornea of ​​this eye, put a small test through this cut. The probe breaks the lens of the clouds in small pieces using ultrasound (high frequency sound waves). Then the small pieces will suck with your eyes. After that, the doctor will insert an artificial lens through the incision. Operation usually takes 15-30 minutes.

After Operation

  • ~Your eye specialist will probably advise you to make it easy, for example, by:
  • ~Avoid sports and any vigorous activities
  • ~Do not rub your eyes
  • ~Your eyes do not get soapy water
  • ~Wear a pad on your eyes to save it
  • ~Do not wear eye makeup until your recovery is complete

When cataracts are related to age, two other operations can be done to remove them. They are - manual extracapsular extraction, and intracapsular extraction. If you are experiencing cloud vision recently, consult your eye doctor for immediate diagnosis. Your vision can be at risk.

Learn all the possible treatments for cataracts !

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