Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes

Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes

Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes !
There are many reasons that can cause eye problems in children. 

My Medical Tech
Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes
Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes !

Children may suffer from different eye problems, which parents can not understand, because there is no initial indication that any place can be given. A child who has a family history of childhood vision status, is more likely to have problems in his eyes. Read on to know some of the most common problems reported by children and their causes.


Strabismus affects the children and in this medical condition, the child's eyes are crossed. This situation has remained for the first six months of life. The main cause of strabismus is poor eye muscle control and long vision.

Amblyopia or lazy eye

This eye condition is more likely to be experienced by children with crossed eyes, although it can also affect those people who do not see as good as others through one eye. The word Amblyopia means that the sight decreases through misuse, which occurs when the brain receives two different images from the eyes. The reason behind the development of disruption is the disruption of normal development of vision. If the underlying cause of the situation has not been corrected then the sight could be bad.

Myopia or short-sightedness

The short-sightedness is a refractive eye problem in which the children can clearly see close but when they are not away from the object. Vision can be corrected with lens, but they should be changed from time to time, because progress in childhood is progressive. The reason behind the problem of the eye is the refractive error, i.e., light rays in the eyes tilt badly to transmit images in the brain. The cornea has long eyes or too much curvature. Consequently, the images focus in front of the retina instead of the retina.

Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes !

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Hyperopia or Long-sightedness

In this problem of sight, the child can see things kept on the distance, but if they have it they can not see them properly. Due to long sight, a refractive error occurs or when the eye is less than normal size or cornea is very flat. Those who suffer from hyperopia can not focus on close objects and therefore, see them blurred. The exact reason for this situation is unknown, but family history is considered to be a long-term contribution.


Volatility is the state of an eye in which the cornea is not rotated properly - the curve is irregular - flattering compared to others. When the light enters the eye, it does not focus properly on the retina, resulting in a blurred image. Volatility may be caused by irregular shape lenses.

What do parents need to do

Eye problems can have a profound impact on the child's academic performance, and their recreational activities may be affected. Your child can not complain about his difficulty in sight. Therefore, parents should check their child's eyes 3-4 years before and after 3 years of age and after that. Regular eye exams are important to ensure that the health status does not come in the way of child development and development.

Vision problems in children: Know all possible causes !

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