Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts

Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts

Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts !
When the clouds of your eyes are normal lenses, then you have cataracts. People with glaucoma prefer to see frost or blurry windows. It is difficult to read from the Cloud Point View, run a car (especially at night) or see the expressions of a person.

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Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts
Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts !

Cataracts grow slowly and soon do not affect vision. But in the end, it will be. The early stage of cataract can be dealt with strong light and spectacles. But when your vision gets worse and it interferes with your regular activities, you may need cataract surgery. Fortunately, this is a safe and effective process.

To find out if you have cataracts, you have to consult a doctor who will review your medical history and symptoms. He will also do an eye exam and can do many tests.

Cataract diagnosis

The test to be tested by your doctor to accurately diagnose cataracts is:
Visual acoustic test: This test uses an eye chart to measure how well you can read a series of letters. One of your eyes will be tested while the other will be covered. Then the eyes will be converted into testing. / Chart is the sequential series of lowercase letters, and it helps your doctor to determine whether your 20/20 vision is correct or incompatible.

Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts !

Read also Learn all possible treatments for cataracts

Slit Lamps Exams: 

Your doctor will use a slit lamp to see the structures in front of your eyes under examination. It is a microscope and uses the sharp line of light to eliminate the space between your cornea, iris, lens, and your iris and cornea. Your doctor can see the structures in small sections through slit, which makes it easy to detect any small abnormalities.

Retina Examination: 

For Retina Exams, your doctor will put your students to thin in their eyes to put thin degradation. It makes it easy to check your retina, ie, behind your eyes. Then, he will use a thin lamp or eye disease to examine his lenses for cataract symptoms.

Cure for cataract

Surgery for glaucoma is the only effective treatment. If the surgery is right for you, your doctor will guide you and it is believed that when the situation influences the quality of your life or interferes with your ability to do daily work such as reading or driving at night.

You and your doctor can decide the right time for surgery. Most of the time, there is no rush to operate and remove cataract because it usually does not harm the eye. However, the possibility of delay in the process will not be high if you decide to take cataract surgery later, you will not treat your vision.

If you do not currently want to undergo surgery, then your doctor can set periodic follow-up examinations to check your glaucoma progression.

When you undergo surgery, it will include removing the cloud lens with your eyes and replacing it with a clear artificial lens, called intraocular lens. It is located in the same condition as your natural lens and becomes a permanent part of your eye.
In some cases the use of artificial lenses is not possible and therefore, after cataract removal, it can be cured with vision glasses or contact lenses. Surgery is usually performed on outpatient basis and after surgery, you do not need to stay in hospital.

For the procedure, the doctor will remove the area around your eyes using local anesthesia and you will probably be awake during the process. Fortunately, this surgery is safe, but rarely can be the risk of infection and bleeding. An increased risk of retinal detection is the side effect of cataract surgery.

After cataract surgery, you will feel a little discomfort in your eyes for a few days, but generally, for eight weeks, you need to be completely cured.
If you need cataract surgery in both eyes, your doctor will determine surgery for one or two months after the first surgery to remove cataract in the second eye

Learn about diagnosis and treatment for cataracts !

Read also Understand the Warning Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma

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