Treat stomach acidity with carom seeds and black salt

Treat stomach acidity with carom seeds and black salt

Treat stomach acidity with carom seeds and black salt !! We all are suffering from acidity on any point or the other. It is an uncomfortable burning sensation that is experienced by the gastric glands of the stomach due to excess production of acids, which is often done after pain. Spicy and fried food, consuming excessive beverages, eating more fierce and fermented foods, eating breakfast, lunch or dinner can lead to all acidity. But you can do a lot to control and prevent acidity.

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Treat stomach acidity with carom seeds and black salt

A measure that performs wonders for the treatment of acidity is the combination of carom (Ajwain) seeds and black salt. Both components have effective elements that help in stomach problems.

Ajwain seeds are filled with proteins, fats, minerals, fibers and carbohydrates. They contain essential ingredients such as calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron and niacin. It includes biochemical compounds such as thymol, para sinin, pinin and tapen. On the other hand, black salt contains signals of sodium chloride and minerals, and chemical compounds like sodium sulphate, magnesium and iron are used as ferrous sulfate etc.

Thymol, which is present in ajwain seed, has an antiseptical property which helps reduce the production of acid reflux and balance in the stomach. It also provides relief from acidity for the mucous membrane of the stomach, reduces the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and improves digestion. While Black salts do an excellent remedy for stomach discomfort, acidity and other digestive problems, you may suffer from it. Eating black salt with ajwain seeds helps in getting rid of gas problem.

How To Use Carom Seeds And Black Salt

Heat 2 teaspoons of Carom seeds in a frying pan and crush them or grind them to get the right powder. Now add this powder to two teaspoons of black salt. Mix them well
Take 1 ½ teaspoon of this mixture with hot water or honey twice a day
Alternatively, you can just pinch it and consume it without water.

Important tips

Do not consume over dose of carom seeds because it can cause vomiting, headache, nausea, skin irritation and allergies.

Also, make sure you do not consume more than twice a day.

If you have internal, ulcerative colitis or mouth ulcers or liver diseases then do not do this remedy.
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