Learn what Causes Acidity and its unsafe symptoms

Learn what Causes Acidity and its unsafe symptoms

Learn what Causes Acidity and its unsafe symptoms !!
We all are suffering from acidity problems in any given time or in our life. Acidity has many faces and all of them are inconvenient. It may be at work in the form of cough and dizziness in the middle of the night or in the form of a sensation of sudden burn, after a large, greasy meal, there is constant pain in your chest in the office.

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Learn what Causes Acidity and its unsafe symptoms

When acids are leaked in the gaulet (esophagus), i.e. excessive secretion of acids by gastric glands of the stomach, the condition is known as acid reflux, which is usually called acidity. It can be heartbeat and stomachache. If the symptoms of acid reflux are more than twice a week, then you have acid reflux disease, also called gastrosophagial reflux disease (GERD).

Common causes of acidity

  • >Unhealthy lifestyle choices are the main reason for acidity. Consumption of certain foods can increase the problem.
  • >Overweight or obesity
  • >Long gap between food
  • >Excessive intake of tea or coffee empty stomach
  • >skipping meals
  • >Eat heavy food and lie on your back or turn to the waist
  • >Eat some foods like citrus, tomatoes, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions or spicy foods
  • >Drink some drinks like alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee or tea
  • >Smoking
  • >Aspirin, ibuprofen, muscles relaxers or  take a blood pressure medication

Symptoms of acidity

Heart burn- Pain or restlessness in your stomach or chest from your stomach is known as heartburn. If you have acidity, then this is the most common symptom. Pain can happen in your throat too. Despite its name, heart burn does not affect your heart.

Chest pain -

chest pain, which happens because the stomach acid is sprinkling in the esophagus, it is a classic acid reflux symptom. But pain can last for long and can be faster than expected. You can never ignore chest pain, especially if you exercise or apply yourself, it gets worse.

Regurgitation - 

Another common symptom of acid reflux is the sensation of regurgitation, or back-up acid in your throat or mouth. Reincarnation can cause a sour or bitter taste, and you may experience some of your stomach "wet burp" or even vomiting.

Pain Worsening at Rest- Pain in your stomach is more likely to avoid your inclination when you lie or bend, causing heartburn.

Pain after meal - 

Is set correctly after pain - especially one big meal - this means that the stomach gets overloaded and its contents do not go anywhere. But you may be able to stop it without taking medication.

Some foods can spoil the symptoms of acid reflux. To reduce your symptoms, try to avoid:

  • >Citrus fruits
  • >Chocolate
  • >Caffeinated drinks or alcohol
  • >Spicy, fatty, or fried food
  • >Garlic and onion
  • >Peppermint
  • >tomatoes

While experiencing acidity, strong drugs should be taken with care because they can cause side effects. And if you are experiencing the old and serious symptoms of acid reflux, always contact your doctor.

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