Learn the difference between ovarian cancer and cysts

Learn the difference between ovarian cancer and cysts

Know the difference between ovarian cancer and cysts !!
Learn the difference between ovarian cancer and cysts

Diagnosis of ovarian cysts is often taken as the risk of cancer and the potential risk factor. The truth is that they are different. It is quite different. Many women believe that the growth of the cysts in the ovary is a sign of cancer, which will develop when the cysts will grow in later stages. However, this is not true.

ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is made of abnormal and excessive cell growth. It multiplies rapidly and can also infect other body tissues. Cancer occurs when systematic cell production goes wrong. Consequently, new cells occur when they are not needed and when they are determined to die, the older cells do not die. Like any other type of cancer, ovarian cancer also starts with the tumor.

Ovary cysts

Unlike ovarian cancer, cysts is more common and there is no need to remove it. cysts fluid is an unusual pocket that can develop in different areas of the body such as skin, genital and internal organs. Syst- can vary in size i.e., it can be a small bag or a large bag containing fluid fluid. Ovary cysts increases either on or around the ovary surface. Depending on the cause and location of the cysts, it can also be solid or semi-solid. Common symptoms of cysts include swelling around the area.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

There are no obvious symptoms of ovarian cancer during the early stages. This happens when it develops that the person feels his presence. The less common symptoms of ovarian cancer are frequent urination and respiratory disorders. Women can have heavy and unusual vaginal bleeding, even if they do. Some of its symptoms include:

  • Swelling stomach
  • Pain in the back, pelvic area, legs and abdomen
  • Indigestion.
  • Nausea.
  • Growth in the stomach.
  • Lack of energy (fatigue)

Symptoms of Cysts

In some cases, ovarian cysts move on themselves. Women can not even see the presence of cysts because they have no symptoms. Symptoms occur when the cysts breaks or changes due to blood supply.

When the ovarian cysts becomes severe, it starts infecting nearby tissues. Bloating, often urges to go to the bathroom, irregular bowel movement, stomach speed, irregular menstrual cycle and pain during sexual intercourse are some of its symptoms.


if you experience pelvic pain, then immediately consult your doctor to be clear about the presence of any other problem.
If it is facing normal pelvic or reproductive function then cysts surgery is necessary. Your doctor may also recommend laparoscopy to drain and remove cysts. Hormonal therapy stops the growth of the cysts and reduces it. Birth control pills are also used to treat cysts as a result of hormonal fluctuation.
The treatment of cancer involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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