Garudasana (Eagle Pose):How to do and what the benefits

Garudasana | Eagle Pose How to do and what the benefits

Garudasana (Eagle Pose):How to do and what the benefits !!

Garudasana (Eagle Pose):How to do and what the benefits

How to do garudasana

  • ~ Stand in tadasan
  • ~ Fold your knees and pick left leg and turn it on the right foot.
  • ~ Note that the right foot is applied to the ground and the left thigh is right on the thigh, I should have the left foot finger towards the ground.
  • ~Bring your hands in front of front and parallel.
  • ~ Cross the right hand on the left hand and rotate your elbow in an angle of 90 degrees from the ground. Note that the back parts of the hands are on each other's side.
  • ~ Take hands slowly in such a way that the palms come in front of each other.
  • ~ Raise palms upside down by pressing palms on each other.
  • ~ Keep your vision stable and stay in this situation and keep on breathing and stay away.
  • ~Slowly move your hands and bring it to you.
  • ~ Move the left foot slowly and keep it on the ground and the tadasan come back.

Benefits of Garudasana

  • ~ The waist, the thigh, the shoulders and the upper part of the back spread.
  • ~ Enhance the body  balance.
  • ~ Strengthens the leg muscles.
  • ~ Reduces sciatica and is beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • ~ Makes waist and feet more flexible

Contraindication of Garudasana

If you have a knee, ankle or an elbow injury, then avoid this posture.
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