Causes & Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Causes & Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Causes & Symptoms of Osteoporosis !!

Osteoporosis is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. This makes the bones weak, which makes them more prone to fracture.

Causes & Symptoms of Osteoporosis

People with osteoporosis can break their bones, while doing informal work that there was no problem when young. It is commonly known as mute disease because it does not show any significant signs or symptoms.
Generally, people do not know that they have a more casual injury or fall than the situation, which causes more harm. Generally, the condition is diagnosed during the hospital visit to treat injuries or fracture. It happens that until the stress, bump or fall causes bone breakdown, the patient does not feel bones and the doctor diagnoses the condition.


Generally, osteoporosis causes fracture of wrist fracture, hip fracture, and vertebral fractures, however, it can also break into arms, ribs or pelvic. During childhood, the bones grow very fast and repair, but the process slows down with age. At the age of 16 and 18, the length of bones increases, however, they continue to increase in density by the end of the 20th century. People usually start losing bone density from around 35 years of age. After menopause, women lose bone density more quickly.

Losing bone density is a common part of the aging process, however, in some people it can cause osteoporosis. Factors that increase your risk of developing osteoporosis include conditions that affect hormonal producing glands, stool absorption problems, swelling conditions, heavy drinking and smoking, family history of osteoporosis and long-term use of certain medications.


Osteoporosis does not cause any symptoms and develops gradually in many years. There are usually no warning signs. Doctors usually check the condition of old people with fractures. The situation is confirmed through tests such as X-rays. In older people, due to osteoporosis a fracture bone can be severe and may result in chronic inefficiency. Although there are no specific symptoms, some older people can develop a particular characteristic stooping  due to fracture spinal cord.

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